
Eclecticism that opens new horizons in the perceptions of music”

The New York based duo Noizepunk & BorisLove are combining elements form classical, jazz, electronic, house, hip-hop, experimental, etc. It is hard to put into one word the genre of music they are playing, hence they do not try to classify. The originality lies in the openness to musical sound in all its forms, in getting out of the box which constricts our understanding and this duo does just that.


The New York based duo Noizepunk & BorisLove

Debussy’s Lounge by Gene Pritsker

Brahmsian by Gene Pritsker

RetroCelloTangoRemix by Gene Pritsker

SAXY CARAVAN by Gene Pritsker

Summertime by Gene Pritsker

SING — ПЕТЬ by Sergei Dreznin

CELLO DRIVE by Andy Bloch

SCHUMANN — «Dreams» «Грёзы» «Traumerai» by Maxim S. — ambience

CELLO FOREST by by Simon Cloquet-Lafollye

CELLO HEAVEN by Simon Cloquet-Lafollye

CELLO TRIP by Paul2Paul

«Breaking Butterflies Upon a Wheel» by Patrick Grant

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